How to Get a Dog
Should you get a puppy or adult dog? Adopt or shop? Visit your local shelter or a more specific rescue? Foster first or sign an adoption contract right away? Here's what to know.

How to responsibly get a dog is such a huge and messy topic. We worked hard to condense complex info into an accessible guide that's easy to scan (but still honors the nuance).
Haley Young

When I rescued my first dog, I had no idea what I was in for. I wish this guide had been around then! Now that I’m looking to expand my fur family, this guide has given me all the tools I need to make sure I make the best decision when choosing the next pup to welcome into my family.
Melissa Wylin
If you're thinking of becoming a dog parent, start here first! This is a great breakdown of everything you need to know before you bring your new dog home!
Ebony Richardson

Why download the free guide?
Decide if you're ready for a dog and find the right fit for you
Learn about local shelters, foster-based rescues, ethical breeders, and direct rehomes
Be aware of potential red flags in breeders and rescues
Make a decision you feel great about!
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