We're obsessed with our dogs here. (It's obvious, right?) Here are eight little ways you know you love your companion—and are in the running for dog parent of the year.
1) Their comfort is a top priority
You might rearrange your furniture just to make sure there's a cozy spot for them to nap in every room. Or adjust the thermostat to their preferences.

2) Your camera roll is full of their pictures
You can't resist snapping photos of your dog in adorable poses. There's a good chance they dominate your social media feed, too (or maybe you even have a dog-specific Instagram account).

3) You plan your outings around them
Your weekend plans might revolve around dog-friendly activities (from hikes to outdoor cafes) or setting aside time to fulfill your pup before heading out on your own human adventures.

4) You leave early to get back to them
Speaking of outings... you might be the first to leave a work function or party so you can get back to your best friend. After all, they rely on you for everything from food and water access to bathroom breaks!

5) You celebrate their birthday or gotcha day
You might throw them a birthday party complete with dog-friendly cake and special toys or just some favorite activities as a present.

6) Their happiness is contagious
Seeing them wag their tail or do a little tippy-tap happy dance whenever you come home instantly brightens your day.

7) Their sadness is too
And when your dog struggles with something... it's hard for you to watch. You want their life to be full of joy.

8) You're always doing your best
Life with dogs can be challenging. But you give it your all.

These little things may seem insignificant to some... but to dog lovers, they're all part of the experience. Pass this along to a friend who "gets it" and does the same!
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