Chloe is a sheltie living in Los Angeles with her mom, Kaitlin. Here are few of their favorite things! You can find Chloe on Instagram at
What is your favorite free thing to do with Chloe?
I love to walk around the weekend farmers market with Chloe! We get to see all the other dogs and I always dress her up in a cute bandana. I like to find the dog vendors too and buy her a fun treat! It's a great way to get outside and go somewhere fun that isn't just the usual walk around the park.
What are your favorite things that you've purchased for Chloe?
Her Wagwellie shoes! They look like little dog crocs and she actually loves to wear them. When the pavement is hot or when there are too many fox tail burs in the grass I'll put these shoes on her. They don't slip off and they're the only brand she doesn't mind wearing, plus they're so cute. (Use CHLOE10 on Wagwear to get your own.)
If you could tell new dog parents one thing, what would it be?
I would tell them enjoy every moment! It goes by too fast. There will be bad days, like when your puppy chews your $2,000 new rug or makes you spend your entire paycheck on a vet trip just to find out nothing was wrong. But when your dog has grown old you realize you'd give anything to have those moments back.
Dogs are only part of our life, but we are their whole life and getting to share that small timeline together is so magical. When you get home from work after a long day you won't want to go on a long walk or throw the ball 500 times, but in the future you will regret not spending more time with your dog, so cherish every minute!
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