Have you ever wondered about your dog's background? Well, let me tell you about my journey with Addie and the Embark Dog DNA Test it's been a wild ride!
When I first adopted Addie from the Burlington County Animal Alliance, all I knew about her was that she and her siblings were dumped at a shelter in Georgia and that they thought she might be part Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler based on some blue coloring on her belly.

We could tell she had some serious pep in her step, and her herding instincts were definitely on point. But her breed mix? That was anyone's guess. That's when I decided to take the plunge and try out the Embark Dog DNA Test (psst! you can get $50 with code JUNIPER50 at checkout)

When the results came back, I found out their best guess was right! Addie's got some Blue Heeler/Australian Cattle Dog in her DNA. Suddenly, her boundless energy made a lot more sense. Knowing her breed background helped me understand why she's always ready for an adventure.
But here's where things got really interesting: one day, I got an email from Embark saying they found one of Addie's siblings. My husband and I were so excited! We wasted no time reaching out, and before we knew it, Addie's long-lost brother was at our doorstep for a playdate and reunion.
Let me tell you, watching Addie and her brother together was like seeing double. From their matching markings to their shared love for running super fast, it was clear they were siblings. The resemblance was uncanny, and it made us appreciate the power of genetic connections even more.

Looking back on our Embark DNA journey, I'm so grateful for the insights it gave us into Addie's background. Not only did it help me understand her quirks better, but it also brought me closer to her past – and to her sibling!
If you're thinking about trying out the Embark Dog DNA Test for your dog, I say go for it. It's been such a fun experience, and I think you'll love it too. Plus, who knows? You might just uncover some surprises along the way, just like I did.
Oh, and before I forget – we've got a special treat for you. If you want an Embark Breed+Health Test for your dog, you can get $50 off with code JUNIPER50 and this link.
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