We asked Juniper dog parents for their pups' favorite beds. Here's the roundup!
Best Friends by Sheri Donut Shag Bed
Top favorite: Recommended by Solar Plexus & Rachel (@mrsolarplexus), Mochi & Kylie (@mameshibamochi), and Taz & Kristin (@lifewithtazzy)
Website: Bestfriendsbysheri.com

This vegan bed is a huge hit for our smaller furry friends. Everyone we've talked to who has it, loves it.
Snoozerpets Cave Dog Bed
Recommended by Dobby and Kenzi (@a.vizsla.named.dobby) | Website: Snoozerpetproducts.com

Dobby loves going for an early morning sunrise run with his mom, Kenzi—then curling up in this cozy cave, too.
Barney Bed
Recommended by Addie and Allison (@juniperpet.club) | Website: Barneybed.com

Allison says this is the best thing she's ever bought for her heeler mix, Addie.
Maxbone Dog Bed
Recommended by Leu Leu and Erin (@leuleu_theblue) | Website: Maxbone.com

Leu Leu loves snuggling up in multiple dog beds from Maxbone—after playing some Chuck It! fetch, of course.
Petbarn Large Lounge Bed
Recommended by Blaze and Jill (@blazes_golden_life) | Website: Petbarn.com.au

"Great for the dogs to sit on the lounge in the comfort of their own bed!"
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