Spoiling your dog with homemade treats is a great way to boost their health by adding whole foods. And making your own treats can also help you save money on pricey store bought options! Our friends at Dog Child have created the best recipes out there — read on for some of our favorites.

Blueberry & Chia Seed Frozen Treat
These blueberry & chia seed treats are not only tasty but also packed with antioxidants from the blueberries, probiotics from the kefir, and added fiber and omega-3 fatty acids from the chia seeds. All three of these ingredients are considered some of the healthiest foods to feed your pup.
- 1/4 cup fresh blueberries
- 1/4 cup natural peanut butter (xylitol free)
- 1/2 cup plain kefir (unflavored and unsweetened)
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- Silicone molds
- Wash the fresh blueberries thoroughly under cold water.
- In a blender, combine the blueberries, peanut butter, kefir, and chia seeds. Blend on medium until the mixture is smooth and well combined.
- Once the mixture is smooth, pour it into silicone molds. You can use bone-shaped molds or any other fun shapes suitable for dog treats. Fill each mold evenly, leaving a little space at the top for expansion as the mixture freezes.
- Place the filled molds in the freezer and let them freeze for at least 4-6 hours, or until completely solid.
- Once the treats are frozen solid, remove them from the molds. If you have difficulty removing them, you can briefly run the bottom of the molds under warm water to loosen the treats.

Homemade Liver Treats
Every dog we know loves liver treats. Making homemade treats are an easy and affordable swap to store bought. Liver is a healthy treat for dogs in moderation but too much liver can cause stomach upset.
- 250g chicken liver
- Olive oil spray
- Drain liver and transfer it to a lined sheet.
- Put liver in the freezer for 20 minutes to get rid of some moisture. This makes it easier to cut!
- Slice liver into small treat-sized pieces using scissors or a knife.
- Spray the bottom of an air fryer with oil and place liver treats. Make sure they do not touch each other! Spray top of the liver with oil, as well.
- Air fry for 30 minutes at 250F, flipping halfway.
- Let treats cool for 5 minutes.
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Spring Flowers & Berries Frozen Treat
Embrace spring by creating these gorgeous treats packed with fruits and even edible flowers. From lovely roses to sweet marigolds, strawberries, and raspberries, your pup will be sure to enjoy these delicious treats.
- 1 cup kefir
- 4 chopped strawberries
- 4 chopped raspberries
- 2-3 edible flower petals (like rose, African violet, marigold)
- Cut up flower petals into small pieces.
- Place chopped berries and cut up petals into a dog treat mold or ice cube tray.
- Pour kefir into the mold on top.
- Freeze and serve to your pup!
These recipes are a great way to incorporate fresh whole foods into your dog’s diet — and when you make your own treats, you know exactly what is going into them. So let these idea inspire you to continue exploring new, healthy ingredients you can add to your dog’s bowl!
Looking for more recipes?
We partnered with Dog Child to put together a longer guide with seven of our favorite options. Take a look here!