A good dog trainer is part coach, part cheerleader, and (if we're being honest) maybe a little bit therapist too.
The right instructor will push you to grow without overwhelming your dog. They'll present challenges with plenty of support so you can be successful. And they'll make you feel comfortable—answer your questions, explain their reasoning, and put your unique lifestyle goals first.
Okay, sounds great. Now... how on earth do we find someone like that?
Here are a few key questions to start with!

What is your dog training philosophy?
There are a lot of different dog training approaches out there. While every dog is an individual—and every dog parent has different goals, limitations, and opportunities in our own environments—you'll want to avoid trainers who advocate for heavy handed methods without appropriate reinforcement and motivation. If you and your trainer are aligned on your core values from the get go, you'll be able to trust their protocols to make progress with your dog.
- Do you primarily use positive reinforcement techniques?
- How do you address unwanted behaviors?
- How do you evaluate and track a dog's progress during training?
- Can you help me set dog training goals?

What knowledge, skills, and experience do you have?
Experience and credentials can help you gauge your trainer's level of expertise—and commitment to ongoing education! Dog training is a constantly evolving field.
- How long have you been a dog trainer?
- Where did you learn about dog behavior and training?
- Do you have any certifications or credentials? If not, why not?
- What continued education are you currently working on?
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Static and dynamic content editing
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How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Do you specialize in specific training areas?
You should try to choose a trainer whose expertise matches your specific goals and needs.
- Do you specialize in specific training areas (like bedience, behavior modification, dog sports like agility, etc)?
- Do you have experience with what I'm seeking help for?

What will the training environment be like?
Knowing the training environment helps you prepare for your sessions, communicate any worries, and trust that it will apply to your real-world situations.
- Do you offer group classes, private sessions, or both?
- What about board and trains?
- What kind of dogs do best in those different environments?
- If you provide group sessions, what is your typical class size, and what is the student-to-trainer ratio?
- Where do the training sessions take place?
- Are there opportunities for real-world training scenarios?

How can my dog and I get the most out of our sessions?
Dog training is a team effort. Ask your trainer how you can best work together from the beginning!
- How will I know when my dog is "done" with their training?
- How much homework will I have?
- Is most of the training my responsibility?
- What if I struggle to maintain my dog's training at home?